English Language Practical Phonetics & Phonology Multimedia Course

Select a dialogue

Unit 1.  [i:] In a restaurant
Unit 2.  [ɪ] An interesting film
Unit 3.  [e] An expensive holiday
Unit 4.  [æ] A bad hijacker
Unit 5.  [ʌ] I love you
Unit 6.  [ɑ:] At a party
Unit 8.  [ɒ] TV advertisement for ‘Onwash’
Unit 9.  [ɔ:] Sports report from Channel 4
Unit 10. [ʊ] A lost book
Unit 11. [u:] In a good school
Unit 12. [ɜ:] The worst nurse
Unit 13. [ə] Shopping
Unit 15. [eɪ] At the railway station
Unit 16. [aɪ] Mike, Myra and Violet
Unit 17. [ɔɪ] Joyce’s Rolls Royce
Unit 19. [aʊ] A mouse in the house
Unit 20. [ɜʊ] Snow in October
Unit 22. [ɪə] A bearded mountaineer
Unit 23. [eə] A pair of hairbrushes
Unit 24. [p] Passports, please
Unit 25. [b] Happy birthday
Unit 26. [t] In a department store
Unit 27. [d] A damaged telephone
Unit 28. [k] The cuckoo clock
Unit 29. [g] Guests in August
Unit 30. [s] It’s expensive
Unit 31. [z] Surprises in the post office
Unit 32. [ʃ] A special washing machine
Unit 33. [ჳ] Television programmes: Channel O
Unit 34. [ʧ] At the butcher’s shop
Unit 35. [dჳ] George Churchill
Unit 36. [f] At the photographer’s
Unit 37. [v] A fine view
Unit 38. [w] A walk in the woods
Unit 39. [j] A stupid student
Unit 40. [h] A horrible accident
Unit 41. [Ɵ] Gossips
Unit 42. [ð] The hat in the window
Unit 43. [m] Mum’s crumpets
Unit 44. [n] At an accommodation agency
Unit 45. [ŋ] Noisy neighbours
Unit 46. [l] Early for lunch
Unit 47. [l] A spoilt little boy in a bicycle shop
Unit 48. [r] A proud parent
Unit 49. [r] In the airport

Examination Dialogues

Women in love
If Vince phones
In the hospital
Worried mom